April 4, 2011 | New Orleans

The documentary Brass Roots is nearing its completion stage, and the filmmakers are asking for some help. Using the fundraising service Kickstarter, Brass Roots hopes to raise $20,000 to help cover production costs in order to have the film ready for festival season.

Kickstarter is a unique fundraising service. While many serves simply accept your donation and apply it to the cause of your choice, Kickstarter begins by accepting pledges. If the entire amount is raised, then the event organizers receive the donation. If not, then the organizers do not receive any of that money.

The filmmakers of Brass Roots have already spent countless hours filming New Orleans brass bands and experts in the field over the past 18 months, and they have assembled an impressive trailer showing the work they've already accomplished.

You can donate as little as $1, and $15 gets your in an onscreen thanks in the closing credits of the film. Donate at Kickstarter.com.

Good luck, guys!